What Is ACC?

The Alresford Community Choir (ACC) is a large community choir that tackles all styles and genres of music from Classical to Folk, Jazz and Pop arrangements. Usually, we sing in parts, with more than 100 members,from a wide area in Hampshire and beyond, divided between Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass sections, so that there is always a place for everyone, no matter how high or low they can sing.

We are very mixed ability. Some members have had little or no experience of singing in a choir before they joined us. Others are more experienced and provide good support and leadership within the choir. Reading of music is NOT a requirement for joining the choir and there are NO AUDITIONS!
ACC is a registered charity, and we all work hard to ensure that the choir is inclusive and thrives because of the strong mix of community ethos within a shared musical spirit. We are hugely welcoming, open-minded and very sociable.

What Are Our Main Aims?

We aim to:
  • bring together adults of all ages and backgrounds to promote, advance, improve and develop appreciation of the art of choral singing, in all its aspects
  • develop both singing and musical skills and present both public concerts and recitals
  • further such charitable purpose or purposes as the Trustees, after consultation with the choir members, shall think fit, through the making of grants and donations.
Where are we based?

Alresford is a small, attractive, and popular market town, and often appears in the media as one of the ‘best places to live’ in England. ACC has played its part in enriching the community, area and has even won awards for its contribution to the quality of life in the town!

Where Do We Practice?

We are very fortunate to have a wonderful ‘home’ in St John’s Church, New Alresford and, although we are nota religious organisation and have no affiliation to the church, we are very grateful to the church authorities for enabling us to make regular and excellent use of the space provided in the main building for our Monday evening practices, and for some concerts. If you are new to the area, or don’t know Alresford so well, have a look at the map here.

When Do We Practice?

We meet on Monday evenings, during school term times, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Sometimes, extra ‘sectional’ practices and workshops are planned, and these may be just before our main practice, at 7pm, or perhaps offered on different days. These are advertised to members by email and through the Members’ Pages of this website Platform.

What Do We Sing?

A great deal of pleasure for choir members, for the music team who lead us forward, and our lovely audiences, comes from a joyful breadth of repertoire and high levels of challenge and support. From secular to sacred and all the way back again, you never quite know what to expect next!
From old American spirituals, past familiar West End show tunes, via ancient Russian hymns and fast-paced modern cantatas written just for community choirs, all the way to stunning performances of classical masterpieces such as Handel's Messiah in 2017, Mozart’s Requiem in 2022, and Orff’s Carmina Burana in 2024.

Naturally, we present at least one Christmas carol Concert every year, and tickets for these are always sold out very early. We are regularly accompanied by Imo Painter, our wonderful pianist, but also have access to other ensembles and in the last two years have sung with professional soloists and instrumentalists including Kate Ham, harpist, Susan frank, flautist, the Royal Marines Association, and our great orchestral friends in The Hanover Band!

Where Do We Perform?

Keeping audiences thoroughly entertained, ACC regularly hosts sell-out performances at Alresford’s St John’s Church as well as other local venues such as Winchester Cathedral, Romsey Abbey, the Alresford Watercress Festival, a World Première in Arundel Cathedral, and at Harvey Hall in St. Swithun’s School, Winchester. On occasion we take our exciting repertoire beyond the immediate area, such as in the New Forest to Beaulieu, or to St Cross.

How Did We Start?

Founded by our Director Keith Clark, in 2012, the inclusive, community nature of this choir was always an important part of his longer-term vision. An invitation to form a group to support a performance of Alexander L‘Estrange’s Zimbe resulted in a choir of 90 singers within two weeks! And so we began…

Why Are We Proud of What We Do?

ACC is a vibrant, enthusiastic and energetic group of like-minded individuals who love to be engaged in singing activities. We are now enjoying starting our fourteenth year and still meeting new members! We are most proud of the standard which we attain, whilst taking everyone along with u,s and… having a great deal of fun!

What Have We Performed in The Past?

Click her to see a list of our past performances:

How Are We Organised?

ACC is governed by a group of Trustees, elected from the membership. Trustees meet regularly and work to ensure that:
  • Legal requirements of its Constitution and the Charity Commission are met
  • ACC works towards its Objects, as set out in the Constitution
  • Plans practices, rehearsals and performances in accordance with its Objects
  • Finances are well-managed and regularly inspected.
ACC is managed by a wider Committee, formed from the Membership, tasked with making sure that all aspects of practices, rehearsals and concerts are planned and fulfilled.
The musical leadership of the choir, at practices and in performances, is provided by:
Director                     -           Keith Clark
Co-Director               -           Simon Gallear
Accompanist             -           Imo Painter

How Do New Members Join?

New members are always very welcome. If you would like to come to a practice, to see if ACC is for you, just let us know when to expect you and you will receive a very warm welcome! Our director, Keith Clark, can also give you advice on what to expect and answer any questions that you may have. Do send him an email at:

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We are always happy to welcome visitors to our practices but please do let us know when you would like to come along and we will welcome you and make you at home.

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Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Alresford Community Choir